Saturday, March 1, 2008

Competency #6: Specific Facet, ERIC Internet

Strategy: It was tricky to find the right combination of keywords. I chose to limit publication to the past 8 years. This also helped narrow the search.

  • Publication Date: 2000-2008
  • ((Keywords:cataloging) and (Keywords:issues) and (Keywords:library)) and Full-Text Available
I have included a screen shot of hit #4. There were 13 total.

4. From Card Catalogues to WebPACs: Celebrating Cataloguing in the 20th Century. (ED454854)



Gorman, Michael



Pub Date:


Pub Type(s):

Opinion Papers; Speeches/Meeting Papers



Cataloging; Library Catalogs; Online Systems; Standards; World Wide Web

This paper provides an overview of cataloging in the 20th century. Highlights include: (1) issues in 1901, including the emerging cooperative cataloging system and the work of Charles Ammi Cutter; (2) the 1908 code, i.e., "Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries," published in British and Amer Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

Full-Text Availability Options:

PDF ERIC Full Text (343K)

Reflection: This was an OK search. I only got 13 items, but one of these could be a good starting place for a growing pearl search. You never know. This one article is great.

When I went back to edit, the same search revealed 29 hits. Oh what a difference a few days make. I still like the #4 hit of the first search best.

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