Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Competency #5 LibraryThing Tagging

A library tag cloud gives a reader an idea of how other readers would label or classify the book. It is not a review although sometimes you can get an idea of what someone thought about the book. For example, in this cloud, someone said "unread workbook." I would think that to be a bit of commentary on the book or the person. :)

Here is the library tag cloud for Mysteries of Cataloging: a Workbook.

LibraryThing Tags: Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Cataloging Library Science, lis 415 MARC formats own paperback reference specimens, textbook, unread workbook.

LibraryThing Link:

I chose Unlocking the Mysteries of Cataloging: a Workbook of Examples because it is a workbook. Cataloging is difficult to learn by just reading a textbook. One must do it to learn it. This workbook has exercises that allow practice in description, classification, subject analysis, and MARC 21. MARC records are provided for some 150 titles, and a supplemental Web site provides full keys and further details. I think this book would be a valuable resource for me as I learn more about cataloging, and as I train new catalogers.

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